• Being Better Modules

    All programs begin with the Core Module and then additional modules are added to accomodate desired outcomes for the organization and its people.

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    Core Module-Understanding Our Humanness

    Gain an understanding of our humanness and how it influences everything we do.

    This Core Module is the beginning of each customized program. It includes an overview of the program, the basics of cognitive skills, the maintenance and improvement of cognitive skills, heuristics, and cognitive biases. All this is presented in an interesting, engaging way with no "psychobabble."

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    Human Error Module

    Understanding the twelve common human error causal factors and how to mitigate their effects.

    This highly effective module explains twelve commonly accepted human error causal factors. Highly interactive, the module leads participants through a self-examination of errors made, which of the common error causal factors may have been involved, and how those factors might have been mitigated.

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    Decision Making Module

    Three Kinds of Decisions and How to be Better at Making Them

    Arguably, the most important skill an individual can possess is how to make the best decisions. This popular module explores three kinds of decisions faced by all humans and shows ways improvement can be attained in each kind. Whether decisions are mission critical or common for everyday life, being better at making them is very important.

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    Interpersonal Communication Module

    How we Communicate and How to be Better at it.

    Better communication is essential to success in all human activities. This interactive module addresses verbal, non-verbal, and written communication. Participants learn how to be better listeners, speakers, and writers. How to be more effectively assertive is also included.

    Note: this module has a long and a shorter version to best fit an organizations needs.

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    Working in Groups and Teams Module

    Be a Better, More Effective Member of a Group or Team

    We no longer live in a primarily solo world. This module looks at the dynamics of a group along with an examination of several different personality types. Effective ways to succeed and excel as a member are presented.

    Note: this module can include a sub-module titled, "Successful and productive Meetings."

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    Criticism and Comflict Resolution Module

    Dealing with Criticism and Effectively Resolving Conflicts

    This interactive module explores how to deal positively with criticism and effectively work to resolve conflicts in the workplace or in personal life. Participants get to practice the skills learned in realistic simulations.

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    Questioning and Negotiation Module

    Asking Effective, Appropriate Questions and Negotiating Desired Outcomes

    Personal and professional life can be viewed as a series of negotiations. This interactive module looks at how to ask effective, non-offending questions to determine a person's desires and motives and then how to use the answers to steer negotiations into desired outcomes.